Wednesday, October 18, 2017

7:31 p.m. Senate adjourned until 9:30 a.m. Thursday.

7:29 p.m. Senator Gardner wrapped up for the evening. UC that following leader remarks, the Senate resume consideration of H.Con.Res.71, FY18 budget resolution, and it be in order to call up the following amendments:

1. Wyden amendment #1302 (strike Finance reconciliation)
2. Capito amendment #1393 (Cantwell side-by-side)
3. Cantwell amendment #1141 (SALT)

At 11:45 a.m. the Senate will vote in relation to the amendments.

Following disposition of the Cantwell amendment, Warner amendment #1138 (strike PAYGO) will be called up and at 2:00 p.m. the Senate will vote in relation to the Warner amendment.

Passed by UC:
H.R.2989: to establish the Frederick Douglass Bicentennial Commission.
S.Res.293: commemorating the 150th anniversary of Morgan State University.

6:21 p.m Senator Cantwell spoke on the budget resolution.

6:12 p.m. Senator Stabenow spoke on the Childrens Health Insurance program.

6:02 p.m. Senator Merkley thanked Senators Heller and Cortez Masto for their comments.

5:29 p.m. Senators Heller and Cortez Masto spoke on the shooting in Las Vegas.

5:15 p.m. Senator Thune spoke in favor of the budget resolution.

5:14 p.m. The Collins amendment was agreed to by voice vote.

5:12 p.m. Senator Collins spoke in favor of her amendment #1151.

5:11 p.m. The motion to waive the budget act was not agreed to 46-52.  Senator Heitkamp joined all Republicans voting against.  Senators Blunt and Menendez did not vote.

4:51 p.m. Roll call vote began on the Sanders motion to waive the budget point of order against the Sanders amendment #1120.

4:50 p.m. Senator Enzi announced the vote on the Sanders amendment will be the last roll call vote of the day.  The Collins amendment will be agreed to by voice vote.

4:48 p.m. Senator Sanders spoke in favor of his amendment #1120.

4:47 p.m. The Heller amendment #1146 was agreed to 98-0. Senators Blunt and Menendez did not vote.

4:30 p.m. Roll call vote began on the Heller amdt #1146.

4:20 p.m. Senator Heller spoke in favor of his amendment, #1146.   Senators Sanders and Wyden spoke in favor of the Sanders amdt #1120; which will follow the Heller amendment.

4:19 p.m. The Senate rejected the Nelson amendment #1150 on a party line vote of 47-51.  Senators Blunt and Menendez did not vote.

3:58 p.m. The Senate began voting on the Nelson amendment #1150.

3:57 p.m. The Senate rejected the Sanders amendment #1119 by a party-line vote of 47-51. Not voting were Senators Blunt and Menendez.

3:39 p.m. The Senate began voting on the Sanders amendment #1119.

3:36 p.m. Senator Sanders spoke about his amendment #1119.

3:35 p.m. The Senate adopted the Hatch amendment #1144 by a vote of 89-9.

  • 9 Senators voted no: Booker, Gillibrand, Harris, Hirono, Lee (Republican), Markey, Merkley, Sanders (Independent), and Warren.
  • Senators Blunt and Menendez did not vote.

3:02 p.m. The Senate began voting on the Hatch amendment #1144 to H.Con.Res. 71.

3:01 p.m. Senator Sander spoke about his amendment #1119.

2:57 p.m. Senator Collins spoke about her amendment #1151.

2:54 p.m. Senator Stabenow spoke against the budget resolution and Medicare cuts.

2:47 p.m. Senator Hatch spoke about his amendment #1144.

2:43 p.m. Senator Wyden spoke about taxes.

2:36 p.m. Senator Tillis spoke supporting the budget resolution.

2:35 p.m. Senator Enzi called up the following amendments en bloc:

2:25 Senator Capito spoke  about taxes.

2:13 p.m. Senator Hoeven spoke about taxes.

2:07 p.m. Senator Scott spoke about taxes.

1:54 p.m. Senator Cornyn spoke for the budget resolution. He spoke about taxes.

1:40 p.m. Senator Casey spoke for the Sanders Amendment #1119.

1:26 p.m. Senator Sanders spoke against the tax reform bill.

1:08 p.m. Senator Van Hollen spoke about the budget and tax reform.

1:00 p.m. Senator Udall spoke about Alaska’s Arctic wildlife refuge and migratory animals.

12:50 p.m. Senator Markey spoke about tax reform.

12:41 p.m. Senator Gardner announced that the Senate will vote on the following amendments following the disposition of Sanders amendment #1119. 

  • Nelson #1115
  • Heller #1146 
  • Sanders #1120
  • Collins #1151

12:29 p.m. Senator Gardner spoke about the budget resolution.

12:14 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke about the budget resolution and tax reform.

12:05 p.m. Senator Barrasso spoke about coal and energy.

11:55 a.m. Senator Reed spoke about the budget resolution.

11:49 a.m. Senator Murray spoke about the budget resolution.

11:26 a.m. Senator Rubio spoke about tax reform and the budget resolution.

11:13 a.m. Senator Merkley spoke against the budget resolution.

11:08 a.m. Senator Wicker spoke about the low percentage of Presidential nominees confirmed in the Trump administration.

10:49 a.m. Senator King spoke about the vehicle for tax reform.

10:3o a.m. Senator Toomey spoke supporting the budget resolution and tax reform.

10:13 a.m. Democratic Leader Schumer spoke on the Alexander/Murray health care bill and the budget resolution.

9:40 a.m. Senator Enzi spoke on the budget.

9:33 a.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke on the the budget and tax reform.


The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m., and following any Leader remarks, will resume consideration of H Con Res 71, the budget resolution, with the time until 3:00 p.m. equally divided for debate on the following amendments:

  1. Hatch Amend #1144 (Side-by-side to Sanders #1119)
  2. Sanders Amend #1119 (re: Medicaid)

At 3:00 p.m. the Senate will proceed to 2 roll call votes in relation to the amendments, in the order listed.

Please note, further roll call votes are expected during this vote series.