Tuesday, January 18, 2022

10:00 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday. at hat time the Senate will resume the House message to accompany H.R.5746, the legislative vehicle for voting rights legislation. Cloture will ripen at 6:30 p.m.

Senator Warren asked for a second reading for the following bills: S. 3452-3469, 3480 and 3488. She objected to further reading and the bills were placed on the legislative calendar.

8:45 p.m. Senator Warren spoke on voting rights legislation.

8:00p.m. Senator Merkley spoke on voting rights legislation.

7:30 p.m. Senator Kaine spoke on voting rights legislation.

7:15 p.m. Senator Lujan spoke on voting rights legislation.

6:15 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke on voting rights legislation.

5:45 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned until 6:15 p.m.

5:00 p.m. Senator Portman spoke on voting rights legislation.

4:20 p.m. Senator Klobuchar spoke on voting rights legislation.

3:50 p.m. Senator Cantwell spoke on voting rights legislation.

3:35 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke on voting rights legislation.

3:20 p.m. Senator Sullivan spoke on voting rights legislation.

2:42 p.m. Senator Van Hollen spoke on voting rights legislation.

2:15 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke on voting rights legislation.

1:59 p.m. Senator Grassley spoke on voting rights legislation.

1:39 p.m. Senator Cantwell spoke on voting rights legislation.

1:26 p.m. Republican Leader McConnell spoke about the filibuster.

12:50 p.m. Senator Hirono spoke on the importance of voting rights legislation.

12:30 p.m. Senator Leahy spoke on the importance of voting rights legislation.

12:15 p.m. Leader Schumer spoke on the hostage situation at a Texas synagogue this weekend and then on voting rights legislation.

12:00 p.m. Leader Schumer called up the House message to accompany H.R.5746, the legislative vehicle for voting rights legislation. He then moved to concur with the House amendment to the Senate amendment with amendment #4903. He then asked for the yea’s and nays on the Motion to Concur.

Leader Schumer then offered amendment #4904 to amendment #4903. He then moved to refer the House message to accompany H.R. 5746 to the Committee on Rules with instructions to report back with an amendment, #4905. The yeas and nays were ordered.

Leader Schumer then offered amendment #4906, instructions on the Motion to Confer. The yeas and nays were ordered.

Leader Schumer then called up amendment #4907 to #4906.

Lastly, the Leader filed a cloture motion to bring to close a debate on the motion to concur in the House to the Senate amendment to H.R. 5746, an act to amend title 51, the legislative vehicle for the voting rights legislation.

The Senate will convene at 12 noon. Following leader remarks, the Senate will begin consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.5746, the legislative vehicle for voting rights legislation. Senator Schumer is expected to make a motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.5746, with an amendment and file cloture on the motion.

No roll call votes are expected during today’s session.

At a time TBA, the Senate will vote on confirmation of Exec. Cal. #635, Holly Thomas, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit.