Tuesday, June 26, 2018

6:15 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday June 27.  During wrap up the Senate passed  S. 2385 – Public Alert Systems by unanimous consent.

6:05 p.m. Senator Roberts announced that there will be no roll call votes during today’s session. Further, that at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 27 the Senate will proceed to H.R. 2, the 2018 Farm bill and a substitute amendment will be offered on the underlying bill. The first amendment offered following will be a Thune Amendment on Conversation Preserve Programs.

5:17 p.m. Senator Brown spoke about the economy.

4:44 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke about climate change.

4:32 p.m. Senator Thune spoke about the Farm Bill.

4:22 p.m. Senator Stabenow spoke about the Farm Bill.

4:12 p.m. Senator Hoeven spoke about the Farm Bill.

4:01 p.m. Senator Hatch spoke about the passing of Charles Krauthammer and also about his brother-in-law Raymon Hansen.

3:09 p.m. Senator Gillibrand spoke about the Farm bill.

2:50 p.m. Senator Barrasso spoke about healthcare.

2:34 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about immigration.

2:30 p.m. Senator Daines spoke about National Great Outdoors Month.

2:15 p.m. Senator Fischer spoke about the Farm Bill.

12:31 p.m. The Senate has recessed until 2:15 p.m. for the weekly policy lunches.

12:21 p.m. Senator Roberts spoke about the Farm Bill.

12:14 p.m. Senator Cornyn spoke about the Farm Bill.

12:06 p.m. Senator Kennedy spoke about the National Flood Insurance Program.

10:45 a.m. Senator Stabenow spoke about the farm bill.10:41 a.m. Senator Roberts spoke about the farm bill.

10:24 a.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about the farm bill. He spoke about the tax program.

10:02 a.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the farm bill and about the tax program.   Under the provisions of Rule XIV, H.R. 6, the opioid addiction treatment bill was placed on the Senate calendar.


The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m. and resume consideration of the motion to proceed to the Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2), post-cloture.

The Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly caucus luncheons.