Tuesday, January 11, 2022

8:32 p.m. The Senate recessed until 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 12th.

8:29 p.m. Majority Leader Schumer wrapped up for the evening. S 3480, prohibiting the use of funds to reduce nuclear forces had its first reading. Passed by UC: S. 2520, and S 2201 about supply chain risk.

6:48 p.m. Senators Sullivan, Braun and Lankford spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

6:32 p.m. Senators Hoeven and Cramer congratulated the North Dakota State University Bison on their football team.

6:23 p.m. Senator Barrasso spoke about Ukraine and Russia.

5:57 p.m. Senator Murkowski spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

5:39 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke on industries and the government regulators who regulate them.

4:02 p.m. Senators Wicker, Ernst, Kennedy, Fischer, Young, Boozman, Barrasso, Capito, Marshall, Tillis and Romney spoke about voting rights and the filibuster.

3:51 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke on the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp.

3:51 p.m. Cloture was invoked on the Bose nomination 61-29.

GOP voting Aye: Barrasso, Blunt, Burr, Capito, Collins, Fischer, Graham, Grassley, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Rounds, Sullivan, Thune, Tillis, Wicker, and Young. Senators not voting: Cassidy, Feinstein, Hyde-Smith, Klobuchar, Merkley, Ossoff, Padilla, Sanders, Toomey, and Warnock.

3:01 p.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Amitabha Bose to be Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration.

3:00 p.m. The Davidson nomination was confirmed, 60-31.

GOP voting Aye: Blunt, Burr, Capito, Collins, Fischer, Graham, Inhofe, Lee, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Rounds, Sullivan, Tillis, Wicker, and Young. Senators not voting: Cassidy, Feinstein, Hyde-Smith, Klobuchar, Merkley, Ossoff, Padilla, Sanders, and Warnock.

2:18 p.m. Roll call vote began on confirmation of the Davidson nomination.

2:15 p.m. The Senate returned from the recess. Senator Cantwell spoke briefly in favor of the Davidson nomination.

12:46 p.m. The Senate stands in recess until 2:15 p.m.

12:35 p.m. Senator Tuberville spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

12:14 p.m. ML Schumer spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

11:31 a.m. Senators Thune, Graham, and Cornyn spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

11:17 a.m. Republican Leader McConnell spoke on voting rights and the filibuster.

11:00 a.m. The Senate is in Executive Session and resumed consideration of the nomination of Alan Davidson to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, post-cloture.


The Senate will convene at 11:00 a.m. and following any Leader remarks, will resume consideration of the nomination of Alan Davidson to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information.

·The Senate will recess from 12:30pm until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus luncheons.

At approximately 2:20 p.m., the Senate will proceed to two roll call votes relative to the following:

  1. Confirmation of the Davidson nomination.
  2. Cloture on the nomination of Amitabha Bose to be Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration.