Tuesday, December 13, 2022

8:23 p.m. The Senate adjourned.

8:12 p.m. Majority Leader Schumer wrapped up for the evening, including filling the amendment tree on the NDAA.

7:05 p.m. Senator Brown paid tribute to Senator Portman on his upcoming retirement.

6:41 p.m. Senator Sander spoke on the motion to discharge S.J.Res.56, regarding Yemen.

6:10 p.m. Senator Rosen spoke on immigration.

5:46 p.m. Senators Braun, Johnson and Scotto of Florida echoed Senator Lee on government funding.

5:28 p.m. Senator Lee spoke on government funding and asked UC to take up and pass a CR into next year. Senator Leahy objected.

5:11 p.m. Senator Murphy spoke on stalled nominees and the national defense.

5:00 p.m. Senator Reed asked unanimous consent to take up and vote on the nomination of Musetta Johnson to be a judge of the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, Senator Hawley objected.

4:50 p.m. Senator Schatz asked unanimous consent that executive session be extended until 6:15 p.m. and then asked UC to take up and vote on the nomination of Russell Rumbaugh to be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Senator Hawley objected.

4:35 p.m. Senator Grassley spoke against the nomination of Eric Garcetti to by Ambassador to India.

3:29 p.m. Senators Scott of SC, Braun, Lee, Lankford, Scott of FL and Cornyn spoke supporting charter schools.

2:59 p.m. By a vote of 70-27, the Senate confirmed Jay Curtis Shambaugh to be an Under Secretary of the Treasury.

2:15 p.m. The Senate is now voting on confirmation of Jay Curtis Shambaugh to be an Under Secretary of the Treasury.

12:57 p.m. By a vote of 65-31, the Senate confirmed Dana M. Douglas to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.

Not voting: Senators Cruz, Hickenlooper, Murkowski and Sullivan.

12:03 p.m. The Senate is now voting on confirmation of Dana M. Douglas to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.

11:27 a.m. Senator Kennedy spoke about medicare and asked unanimous consent that the Senate pass S. 5194 (Protecting Medicare Patients and Physicians Act). Senator Wyden objected to the request. Senator Kennedy also spoke on flood insurance.

11:21 a.m. Senator Capito paid tribute to Congressman McKinley on his retirement.

11:06 a.m. Senator Thune spoke about the southern border.

10:27 a.m. RL McConnell spoke about the NDAA, Ukraine and Senator Burrs retirement.

10:12 a.m. ML Schumer spoke about the Syracuse Mens Soccer Team, the omnibus bill, Judicial Nominations and the Respect for Marriage Act.

10:00 a.m. The Senate convened.


The Senate meets at 10:00 a.m. Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #1146 Dana M. Douglas, of Louisiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit.

At approximately 12:00 noon, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Douglas nomination.

Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.

At approximately 2:15pm, the Senate will vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #1103, Jay Curtis Shambaugh, of Maryland, to be an Under Secretary of the Treasury.

At 3:30pm, the Senate will proceed to Legislative Session with the time until 7:00pm for debate equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees on the motion to discharge S.J.Res.56, Yemen, from the Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Sanders has 30 minutes under his control. Senator Menendez has 10 minutes under his control. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will vote on the motion to discharge the joint resolution.