Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Currently in 10 hours of debate on the consideration of H.J.Res.111

&: 10 p.m. Senator Durbin  spoke against the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

7:00 p.m. Senator Hirono  spoke against the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

6:50 p.m. Senator Warren  spoke against the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

6:40 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke against the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

6:20 p.m. Senator Crapo spoke in favor the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

6:05 p.m. Senator Brown spoke against the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule.

5:55 p.m.  The motion to concur was agreed to by a vote of 82-17. The Senate then agreed to the consideration of H.J.Res.111, the resolution of disapproval with respect to the CFPB arbitration rule, by voice vote. There will now be up to 10 hours of debate equally divided followed by a vote on passage of the resolution of disapproval

4:03 p.m. Rollcall vote began on motion to concur re: H.R. 2266, the disaster Supplemental.

4:02 p.m. Motion to waive budget act agreed to 80-19. Breakdown to follow. Senator Menendez did not vote.

3:32 p.m. The Senate is now voting on the motion to waive the Budget Act regarding H.R. 2266, the Disaster Relief Supplemental.

3:31 p.m. Senator Paul spoke about the Disaster Relief Supplemental and raised a budget point of order against the Supplemental. Senator Roberts made a motion to waive the Budget Act.

3:27 p.m. ML McConnell asked and received unanimous consent that all post-cloture time be expired and that Senator Paul be recognized for up to 5 minutes and then make a budget point of order. Then a motion to waive the budget act be made and the Senate move to a vote on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 2266, the vehicle for the Disaster Relief Supplemental. 

3:23 p.m. ML McConnell and Senator McCain paid tribute to Senator Flake.

3:05 p.m. Senator Flake discussed the state of U.S. politics, announcing he will not seek re-election in 2018.

2:17 p.m Senator Paul discussed the supplemental.

2:15 p.m. The Senate has reconvened.

12:30 p.m. The Senate has recessed until 2:15 p.m.

12:23 p.m. Senator Reed spoke about the CFPB mandatory arbitration CRA.

12:13 p.m. Senator Thune spoke about tax reform.

11:53 a.m. Senator Blumenthal spoke about disaster relief in Puerto Rico.

11:43 a.m. Senators Cornyn spoke about disaster relief in Texas.

11:21 a.m. Senators Cantwell and Collins spoke about a GAO report regarding climate change.

10:36 a.m. Senators Nelson, Murray, Booker and Tester spoke about disaster relief.
10:28 a.m. Senator Harris spoke about wildfires.

10:27 a.m. The Senate resumed debate on the disaster relief bill.

10:12 a.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about taxes.He spoke about storm and wildfire relief.

10:03 a.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about disaster relief, taxes and nominations.


The Senate will convene at 10 a.m. and will resume post-cloture consideration of the House message to accompany H.R. 2266 (the vehicle for the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations bill).

At 9:40 a.m. in the Senate Press Gallery (Room S-316 of the Capitol), Senator Schatz and Representative Lujan will hold a pen-and-pad briefing on a new health care measure.

Votes may occur today, but none has been scheduled as yet.

Consideration could begin as early as today on the resolution of disapproval of the measure related to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. There would be up to 10 hours of debate before a vote.

The Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for weekly policy luncheons.

Cloture was filed Monday on these nominations:

— Scott L. Palk to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma;

— Trevor N. McFadden to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

The first cloture vote is expected Wednesday morning. Up to 30 hours of debate would follow if cloture is invoked. Upon disposition of the Palk nomination, a cloture vote will occur on McFadden.

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