Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Senate stands adjourned until 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 1, 2017.

Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State, post-cloture, with the time equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees.

Post-cloture time on the Tillerson nomination will expire at approximately 2:30pm, and the Senate will vote on confirmation at that time. Additional roll call votes are possible during Wednesday’s session.

There is a pen and pad scheduled at 10:00 a.m. in the Senate Gallery with Senator Coons regarding President Trump’s Supreme Court selection of Neil Gorsuch.

7:45 p.m. Senate Rubio spoke on immigration reform.

7:00 p.m. Senator Schatz spoke on the Tillerson nomination.

6:36 p.m. Senator Blumenthal spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

6:25 p.m. Senator Nelson spoke about the Tillerson nomination and fighting in Ukraine.

5:37 p.m. Senators Murphy and Baldwin spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

5:25 p.m. Senator Markey spoke about the immigration executive order and the Tillerson nomination.

5:10 p.m. Senator Coons spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

4:50 p.m. Senator Udall spoke about Sally Yates and the Tillerson nomination.

4:35 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

4:18 p.m. Senator Kaine spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

4:01 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke about the immigration executive order and the Tillerson nomination.

3:45 p.m. Senator Cotton spoke about the Tillerson nomination.

3:27 p.m. Senator Barrasso spoke about President Trump’s cabinet nominations.

3:14 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about the Tillerson nomination and the immigration executive order.

3:05 p.m. Senator Barrasso spoke about the economy and healthcare.

2:56 p.m. Senator Cassidy spoke about health care going forward.

2:31 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke about the Tillerson nomination and the immigration executive order.

2:26 p.m. Senator Ernst spoke about Sarah Root.

2:23 p.m. Senator McCaskill spoke on the immigration order.

2:12 p.m. Senator Reed explained why he will vote against the Tillerson nomination. He also along with Senator McCaskill spoke about the Presidents immigration executive order.

2:09 p.m. Senator Brown spoke on the Finance committee meeting this morning and the Mnuchin and Price nominations.

2:00 p.m. The Senate returns from the recess, ML McConell asks unanimous consent for committees to meet today. DL Schumer objected.

1:11 p.m. Senate recesses until 2:00 p.m. To accommodate the weekly caucus luncheons.

1:10 p.m. By a vote of 93 to 6, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Elaine Chao to be transportation secretary. Voting “NAY” were Democrats Booker, Gillibrand, Merkley, Schumer and Warren, plus independent Sanders. Leader McConnell declared himself “Present.”

12:32 p.m. The vote on Chao began.

12:26 p.m. Senator Nelson spoke for confirmation of the Chao nomination. He spoke about the nomination of Representative Price’s nomination to head the Health and Human Services Department.

12:21 p.m. Debate began on the Chao nomination. Senator Thune spoke for confirmation.

12:19 p.m. Senator Schumer sought consent for a vote on S. 240, concerning the immigration order. Senator Cotton objected. Senator Cotton spoke about Ms. Yates.

12:09 p.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about the executive order on immigration and the firing of Assistant Attorney General Yates.

12:04 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about presidential nominations.

12:02 p.m. Senator Boozman saluted the visiting chaplain, Dr. Barry  Block of Congregation Ab B’nai Israel of Little Rock.


The Senate will convene at noon.

After leader remarks, the Senate will consider the nomination of Elaine L. Chao, of Kentucky, to be Secretary of Transportation. There will be 20 minutes of debate, equally divided, followed by a confirmation vote.

A recess for weekly policy lunches is expected after the Chao confirmation vote.

A vote is expected tomorrow on whether to confirm the nomination of Rex Tillerson to be Secretary of State. Post-cloture debate on Tillerson will continue today.