Tuesday, April 10, 2018

6:33 p.m.  The Senate stands adjourned until 10:30am on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 under the provisions of S.Res. 455 andS.Res.454, as a further mark of respect to the late Senators Daniel Akaka of Hawaii and Zell Miller of Georgia. On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 following leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #728, John F. Ring, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board. Post-cloture. At 12:20pm, there will be 2 roll call votes. Those votes will be on confirmation of the Ring nomination and cloture on the Pizzella nomination. If cloture is invoked, there would be up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate prior to a vote on confirmation.

12:20pm–2 roll call votes:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #728, John F. Ring, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board

2.      Cloture on Executive Calendar #605, Patrick Pizzella, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of Labor

 5:45 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke on the environment.

5:30 p.m. Senator Brown spoke on the National Labor Relations Board.

4:04 p.m. Senator Murray spoke about equal pay and the Ring nomination.

2:40 p.m. Cloture was invoked on the Ring nomination by a vote of 50 to 47. Senators Booker, Duckworth, and McCain were absent.

2:15 p.m. The Senate is now voting on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of John F. Ring to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board.

12:47 p.m. The Boom nomination was confirmed by a vote of 96 to 1. Senators Booker, Duckworth, and McCain were absent. Senator Sanders voted NO.

12:10 p.m. The Senate began voting on confirmation of Claria Boom to be United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky.

11:30 a.m. Senator Warren spoke against the Ring nomination.

11:20 a.m. Senator Daines spoke about the upcoming Facebook hearing.

10:55 a.m. Senator Cornyn spoke about the upcoming Facebook hearing. He spoke about the nomination process. He spoke in favor of the nominees to lead the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department.

10:50 a.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about President Trump and the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

10:10 a.m. Senator Durbin remembered the late Senator Akaka. He spoke about immigration.

10:04 a.m. Senate Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the nomination process. He spoke about the new tax program.

10:02 a.m. The Senate Resumed consideration of the Boom nomination.


The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m., and following any Leader remarks resume consideration of the nomination of Claria Boom to be United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Kentucky.

At 12:10 p.m., the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on confirmation of the Boom nomination.

The Senate will recess from 12:30-2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly conference meetings.

At 2:15 p.m., the Senate will proceed to a cloture vote on the nomination of John Ring to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board.