Thursday, November 9, 2023

4:29 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned untill 3:00 p.m. Monday November 13th 2023. Following leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Ana de Alba to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, post cloture.

At 5:30 p.m. the Senate will hold two roll call votes

  1. Confirmation of Ana de Alba to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit
  2. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to, H.R.815, legislative vehicle for a Continuing Resolution.

4:25 p.m. Senator Kaine started wrap up.

  • By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted S. Res. 408, A resolution condemning Hamas.
  • By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted S. Res. 459

4:22 p.m. Senator Kaine finished his unanimous consent requests on 363 pending military promotions.

3:04 p.m. Senator Kaine spoke about veterans and military promotions. He then asked for the Senate for unanimous consent for the Senate to vote on the following nominations individually. Senator Tuberville is objecting to each.

  • Calendar #46, #47, #48, #50, #51, #52, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #88, #90, #91, #92, #95, #96, #97, #99, #100, #101, #102, #103, #104, #105, #106, #107, #110, #111, #112, #113, #130, #131, #132, #133, #134, #135, #136, #138, #139, #180, #182, #183, #184, #185, #186, #187, #188, #189, #190, #191, #192, #193, #194, #195, #196, #197, #198, #199, #200, #201, #202, #203, #204, #205, #224, #225, #226, #227, #228, #229, #230, #231, #232, #233, #234, #236, #237, #239, #239, #240, #241, #242, #243, #244, #245, #246, #248, #262, #283, #284, #285, #286, #287, #288, #289, #290, #291, #292, #293, #294, #295, #296, #325, #326, #327, #328, #350, #351, #332, #335, #336, #337, #338, #339, #342, #343, #344, #345, #347, #351 #382, #383, #384, #385, #386, #387, #388, #389, #390, #391, and #392.

You can find the Senate Executive Calendar here:

2:51 p.m. Senator Sullivan is speaking about the Alaskan of the Week

2:30 p.m. Senator Grassley spoke about Dr. Ivan Rosen.

2:29 p.m. By a vote of 49-42, the Senate invoked cloture on the nomination of Ana de Alba to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit.

Senators not voting: Barrasso, Blackburn, Cramer, Heinrich, Marshall, Murkowski, Rubio, Scott (SC) & Vance.
Senator Manchin voted No

1:52 p.m. The Senate is now voting on the Motion to invoke cloture on Ana de Alba to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit.

1:40 p.m. Senator Young spoke paid tribute to Frederick Knefler and veterans day

1:39 p.m. Majority Leader Schumer filed cloture on the Motion to Proceed to H.R.815, legislative vehicle for a Continuing Resolution.

1:38 p.m. By a vote of 53-42, the Senate confirmed Brandy R. McMillion to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan.

  • Senator Graham voted YEA
  • Senators Barrasso, Cramer, Scott (SC), Shaheen and Vance did not vote

12:29 p.m. The Senate is now voting on confirmation of Brandy McMillion to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan.

12:28 p.m. By a vote of 51-44, the #Seante confirmed Monica Almadani to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California

Senator Graham voted YEA

Senators Barrasso, Cramer, Scott (SC), Shaheen and Vance did not vote

11:30 a.m. The Senate began a vote on confirmation of the Almadani nomination.

11:15 a.m. Senator Stabenow spoke in support of the McMillion nomination.

10:57 a.m. Senator Tuberville spoke about Alabama veterans.

10:48 a.m. Senator Thune spoke about federal labor regulations.

10:22 a.m. Republican Leader McConnel spoke about veterans day, the Biden Administration and the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation President, Mark Haney.

10:08 a.m. Majority Leader Schumer spoke about the republican party, the CR, judicial nominations, AI, SCOTUS ethics and paid tribute to his friend, Liz Moynihan

10:00 a.m. The Senate convened.


The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m. and following any Leader remarks, will resume consideration of the nomination of Monica Almadani to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, post-cloture.

At approximately 11:30 a.m., the Senate will proceed to two votes:

1)Confirmation of the Almadani nomination.
2)Confirmation of the nomination of Brandy McMillion to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan.

At approximately 1:45 p.m., the Senate will proceed to a cloture vote on the nomination of Ana de Alba to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit.