Thursday, November 17, 2022

12:01 a.m (Friday,November 18, 2022) . The Senate stands in adjournment and will reconvene for a pro forma session on Tuesday, November 22 at 5:30 p.m. There will be another pro forma session on Friday November 25 at 8:00 a.m.

11:06 p.m. By unanimous consent, the Senate passed Cal. #515 – disabled federal employees retirement.

11:05 p.m. ML Schumer filed cloture on Executive Calendar numbers 1133 and 1147.

11:03 p.m. ML Schumer filed cloture on H.R. 8404 and filled the amendment tree.

11:01 p.m. The Senate voted on the motion to proceed to H.R. 8404 – the Respect for Marriage Act by a vote of 53 – 23. Senators Blunt, Capito, Collins, Ernst, Romney and Tillis voted with the Democrats.

6:35 p.m. The Senate proceeded to consider the following:

  • Agreed to-S. Res. 848-Week of Oct. 16 as National Character Counts Week
  • Agreed to en bloc-S. Res. 839-S. Res. 847
  • Agreed to-S. Res.800-100th Anniversary of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, as amended
  • Agreed to-S. Res. 801-50th Anniversary Hawaii Wildlife Refuges
  • Passed-H.R. 1437-Amend the Weather Research and Forecasting Innovation Act, as amended
  • Passed- H.R. 7132-Preserve safe access to communications, services for domestic violence survivors

3:28 p.m. Senator Lee spoke on the Respect for Marriage Act.

2:09 p.m. ML Schumer paid tribute to Speaker Pelosi and also said they were working on an agreement to try to vote on the motion to proceed to H.R. 8404 the Respect for Marriage Act shortly.

1:49 p.m. Senator Tester spoke about Veterans. He then asked for unanimous consent for the Senate to confirm the following nomination; Cal. No. 1153 Milancy Danielle Harris, to be Deputy Under Secretary of Defense. Senator Lee objected.

1:24 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke about corruption and national security. He then asked for unanimous consent for the Senate to consider and pass S.14 with the Cardin Substitute Amendment. Senator Toomey objected.

12:48 p.m. Senator Rounds spoke about Native American veterans. He asked unanimous consent to proceed to and pass S. 1725 (a charter to the National American Indian Veterans Inc., which is a nonprofit corporation organized in the United States). Senator Hirono objected and asked for a modification to the agreement to proceed to and pass S. 7 (technical fix to the Violence Against Women Act) following the disposal of S. 1725. The request was agreed to.

12:34 p.m. Senator Hagerty spoke about illegal immigration

12:22 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about immigration.

11:48 a.m. Senator Cornyn spoke on the southern border.

11:33 a.m. Senator Tester spoke in support of the nomination of Rheanne Wirkala to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense and the Senate confirmed Executive Calendar #993 Rheanne Wirkala to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense by voice vote.

11:07 a.m. Senator Feinstein spoke in support of the Respect for Marriage Act.

10:51 a.m. Senator Tuberville spoke about veterans, his departing Chief of Staff Steven Boyd, and Democrat Spending.

10:45 a.m. Senator Thune spoke about military families.

10:34 a.m. RL McConnell spoke about the Republican Conference, the 2022 Midterm Elections, and inflation.

10:18 a.m. ML Schumer spoke about the Respect for Marriage Act and the 2022 Midterm Elections.

10:00 a.m. The Senate convened.

The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m. and resume consideration of the motion to proceed to HR 8404, the Respect for Marriage Act; post cloture.

No votes have been scheduled yet for Thursday’s session.