Thursday, December 17, 2020

7:02 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 18th. Following Leader remarks the Senate will be in Executive session and resume consideration of the Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha nomination.

6:51 p.m. Senator Braun began wrap up.

  • H.R. 2610, Fraud and Scam Reduction Act with the Wicker substitute amendment. Passed as amended by voice vote.
  • S. 481, Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2019 with the Klobuchar amendment was passed by unanimous consent.
  • S. 3248, United States Anti-Doping Agency Reauthorization Act with the Moran substitute amendment was passed by unanimous consent.
  • H.R. 6435, Combating Pandemic Scams Act. Passed by unanimous consent.
  • H.R. 2468, School-Based Allergies and Asthma Management Program Act. Passed by voice vote.
  • S. 1681, Advancing Education on Biosimilars Act of 2019 with the Alexander substitute amendment was passed by unanimous consent.
  • S.Res. 805, providing for staff transition for a Senator if the results of the election for an additional term of office of the Senator have not been certified. Passed by unanimous consent.
  • H.R. 6192, 1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act. Passed by unanimous consent.
  • H.R. 1923, Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act with the Cortez Masto amendment. Passed by unanimous consent.
  • En bloc consideration of post office naming bills. Passed by unanimous consent.
  • H.R. 6016, To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14955 West Bell Road in Surprise, Arizona, as the “Marc Lee Memorial Post Office Building”. Passed by unanimous consent.

6:49 p.m. Senator Heinrich asked unanimous consent to concur in the House amendment and pass S. 212, Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act. Passed by voice vote.

6:47 p.m. Senator Heinrich asked unanimous consent to call up and pass S 2165, Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act with a Heinrich amendment. The bill as amended was passed by voice vote.

5:31 p.m. Senator Cornyn spoke honoring departing Texas members Reps. Thornberry, Hurd, Conaway, Marchant, Flores and Olson.

5:16 p.m. Senator Kennedy spoke on suicide and on the Improving Mental Health Access for Students Act. Senator Kennedy asked unanimous consent to call up and pass, S. 1782, Improving Mental Health Access for Students Act. The bill was passed by voice vote.

5:15 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #591 Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California.

5:14 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #836 Charles A. Stones to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation.

5:13 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #758 Brian Noland to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2024.

5:12 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #757 Beth Harwell to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2024.

5:11 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #904 Eric J. Soskin to be Inspector General, Department of Transportation.

5:10 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #712 John Chase Johnson to be Inspector General, Federal Communications Commission.

5:06 p.m. ML McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #895 Thompson Michael Dietz to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years.

4:17 p.m. Senator Murkowski joined Senator Portman on Coronavirus funding.

3:49 p.m. Senator Portman spoke on Coronavirus funding.

3:48 p.m. The Somers nomination was confirmed 52-43.

Senators voting in favor: 48 Republicans, 4 Democrats: Kelly, Sinema, Tester and Whitehouse.

Senators voting against: 41 Democrats, 2 Independents: King and Sanders.

Senators not voting: 4 Republicans: Enzi, Fischer, Loeffler and Perdue; 1 Democrat: Harris.

2:47 p.m. The Senate is voting on confirmation of Executive Calendar #935, Zachary N. Somers to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years.

2:41 p.m. Senator Peters spoke on Coronavirus funding.

2:35 p.m. Senator Lankford spoke on government shutdowns.

2:14 p.m. Senator Markey paid tribute to Senator Gardner.

1:43 p.m. Senator Brown spoke supporting frontline workers.

1:24 p.m. Senator Blackburn spoke about the need for additional Coronavirus relief and on issues with China and intellectual property rights.

12:48 p.m. Senator Grassley spoke on pension reform and gave staff tributes.

12:47 p.m. The Senate invoked cloture on the nomination of Zachary N. Somers to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of 15 years by a vote of 52-42.

Democrats voting in favor: Senators Kelly, Sinema, Tester and Whitehouse.

12:13 p.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #935 Zachary N. Somers to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years.

12:12 p.m. The Atchley nomination was confirmed, 54-41.

Senators voting in favor: 48 Republicans, 6 Democrats: Jones, Kelly, Manchin, Sinema, Tester and Whitehouse.

Senators voting against: 39 Democrats, 2 Independents: King and Sanders.

Senators not voting: 4 Republicans: Enzi, Fischer, Loeffler, Perdue, 1 Democrats: Harris.

11:28 a.m. Roll call vote began on confirmation of the nomination of
Edward Atchley to be a Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

11:25 a.m. Democratic Leader Schumer spoke on appropriations and covid-19 negotiations.

11:03 a.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke on appropriations and covid-19 negotiations.

10:30 a.m. Senator Thune spoke on covid-19 negotiations and paid tribute to departing staffer Johanna Jablonoski.

10:05 a.m. Senator Durbin responded to Senator Grassley, and spoke on Covid-19 relief negotiations, state and local assistance, liability and government funding.

10:02 a.m. Senator Grassley spoke about cabinet nominations for the incoming Biden administration.

10:00 a.m. The Senate convened.


The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m. and resume consideration of the nomination of Edward Atchley to be a Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

At 11:30am, the Senate will proceed to two roll call votes:

1. Confirmation of the Atchley nomination.

2. Cloture on the nomination of Zachary Somers to be a Judge for the United States Court of Federal Claims.

If cloture is invoked on the Somers nomination, a confirmation vote is expected later today.