Sunday, August 8, 2021

7:50 p.m. The Senate is currently voting on the Motion to waive the Budget Act to the Sinema-Portman amendment in the nature of a substitute (2137). This vote is subject to an affirmative 60-vote threshold.

H.R.3684, a bill to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. {Legislative vehicle for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act} • The Senate has resumed consideration of the Sinema-Portman amendment in the nature of a substitute (2137) to H.R.3684, post-cloture. • If no agreement is reached, the post-cloture time expires at 7:50pm tonight. At that point, the Senate would dispose of any pending amendments and would proceed to three roll call votes relative to the following: o Motion to waive the Budget Act. This vote is subject to an affirmative 60-vote threshold. o Adoption of Sinema-Portman amendment in the nature of a substitute. (2137) o Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.3684. This vote is subject to an affirmative 60-vote threshold. • The current expectation is that there will be three roll call votes this evening at approximately 7:50pm.