Monday, June 15, 2020

7:18 p.m. Senate adjourned until 10:00 a.m on Tuesday, June 16th. Following leader remarks, Senate will resume consideration of H.R. 1957, the Great American Outdoors Act, post-cloture.

Senate will recess 12:30 to 2:15 for weekly policy lunches.

During wrap-up:

  • S. 712 – Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act, and substitute amendment, passed by unanimous consent.
  • S. Res. 619 – Printing of Senate Manual for 116th Congress, adopted by unanimous consent.
  • S. Res. 620 – Designating June 19 as Juneteenth Independence Day.

7:16 p.m. Cloture was invoked on H.R. 1957, 75-23.

Senators voting against: 23 Republicans: Barrasso, Cassidy, Crapo, Cruz, Enzi, Fischer, Hawley, Hyde-Smith, Inhofe, Johnson, Kennedy, Lankford, Lee, Moran, Paul, Risch, Romney, Rounds, Sasse, Scott FL, Shelby, Sullivan, and Toomey.

Senators not voting: 2 Democrats: Markey and Warren.

6:50 p.m. Roll call vote began on cloture on the underlying bill, H.R. 1957.

6:49 p.m. The substitute amendment was agreed to 71-24.

Senators voting against: 24 Republicans: Barraasso, Blackburn, Braun, Cassidy, Crapo, Enzi, Fischer, Hawley, Hyde-Smith, Inhofe, Johnson, Kennedy, Lankford, Lee, Moran, Paul, Risch, Romney, Rounds, Sasse, Scott (FL), Sullivan and Toomey.

Senators not voting: 2 Democrats: Markey and Warren; 1 Republican: Shelby.

6:16 p.m. Roll call vote began on the substitute amendment #1617 to H.R. 1957.

6:14 p.m. Amendment #1628 to H.R. 1957 was tabled by voice vote. Amendment #1626 to H.R. 1957 was tabled by voice vote.

6:14 p.m. The Senate has waived the budget act, 68-30.

Senators voting in favor: 43 Democrats, 23 Republicans, 2 Independents.

Senators voting against: 30 Republicans Barrasso, Blackburn, Braun, Cassidy, Crapo, Enzi, Ernst, Fischer, Grassley, Hawley, Inhofe, Johnson, Kennedy, Lankford, Lee, Loeffler, Moran, Murkowski, Paul, Perdue, Risch, Romney, Rounds, Sasse, Scott (FL), Scott (SC), Shelby, Sullivan, Thune & Toomey.

Senators not voting: 1 Democrats: Markey, 1 Republican: Cruz.

5:30 p.m. Roll call vote began on the motion to waive budget point of order.

5:17 p.m. Senator Gardner made a motion to waive the budget point of order.

5:13 p.m. Senator Enzi spoke on the Great American Outdoors Act and raised a budget point of order regarding H.R. 1957.

5:03 p.m. Senator Manchin spoke on the Great American Outdoors Act.

4:50 p.m. Senator Cassidy spoke on the Great American Outdoors Act.

4:35 p.m. Senator Portman spoke on the Great American Outdoors Act.

4:17 p.m. Senator Gardner spoke on the Great American Outdoors Act.

4:07 p.m. Senator Cantwell spoke on the ruling in the Supreme Court today on gender and sexual identity discrimination as well as the Great American Outdoors Act.

4:00 p.m. Senator Cornyn spoke about the continuing unrest across the country and police reform.

3:22 p.m. Democratic Leader Schumer spoke on the ruling in the Supreme Court today on gender and sexual identity discrimination; the continuing unrest across the country, police reform, the pandemic and the nomination of Justin Walker.

3:04 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke on the current unrest in the Senate, the pandemic, the law enforcement reform legislation developing in the Republican conference, and the pending lands package.

3:02 p.m. Senator Grassley praised Dr Rattan Lal on winning the World Food Prize.

3:00 p.m. The Senate convened.


The Senate will convene at 3:00 p.m. and resume consideration of H.R.1957, the lands package.

We expect Senator Enzi to raise a Budget Act point of order with respect to the Gardner substitute amendment (#1617), and for Senator Gardner to make a motion to waive all applicable Budget Act points of order.

There will be three roll call votes at 5:30 p.m.

  1. A motion to waive all applicable Budget Act points of order.
  2. Adoption of Gardner substitute amendment (#1617).
  3. Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.1957.