Friday, December 21, 2018

8:08 p.m. The Senate stands adjourned until 12:00 Noon on Saturday, December 22, 2018. Following leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.695, the House-passed CR. Roll call votes are possible during Saturday’s session.

7:22 p.m. ML McConnell called up H.Con.Res. 148, To make a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 3268, To reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program.” The bill was passed by unanimous consent.

6:46 p.m. Senator Cardin asked u.c. to consider S. 2774, A bill to provide for the compensation of federal employees affected by lapses in appropriations. The bill was passed by unanimous consent.

6:36 p.m. Senator Cardin and Van Hollen spoke about the Continuing Resolution and on Federal workers compensation.

6:15 p.m. Senator Jones spoke

5:55 p.m. Senators Alexander and Coons spoke about the filibuster.

5:51 p.m. ML McConnell has moved to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.695, the legislative vehicle for the CR. Senators Schumer, Corker and Flake spoke about the agreement to continue discussions about the CR.

5:49 p.m. The Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to the House Message to accompany H.R.695, Legislative Vehicle for the CR by a vote of 47-47 and the Vice President voting in the affirmative and breaking the tie. Senators not voting: Senators Feinstein, Hatch, Heller, Isakson, Kyl, and Paul.

12:30 p.m. The Senate is currently voting on the Motion to proceed to the House message to accompany H.R. 695, the DOD Appropriations Act (the vehicle for the CR) A simple majority is required.

12:26 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the CR.

12:13 p.m. Democratic Leader Schumer spoke about the CR.


The Senate will convene at 12:00 p.m.

There are no votes scheduled at this time.