Friday, Dec. 1, 2017

2:06 a.m. The Senate adjourned and will reconvene on Monday, December 4th at 3:00 p.m.
1:57 a.m. Senator Enzi spoke about the tax overhaul.
1:55 a.m. Leader McConnell filed cloture on the nomination of Kirstjen Neilson to be secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and secured consent for a vote at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 4.
1:51 a.m.   The Senate Republican tax overhaul (H.R. 1) passed by a vote of 51 to 49. Republican Corker voted NAY.
1:39 a.m. The Senate is voting on passage of H.R. 1, the 2018 budget reconciliation bill, the vehicle for the Senate Republican tax overhaul.

1:34 a.m. By a vote of 52 to 48, the Senate passed the Merkley amendment to strike the Hillsdale College tax benefit from the bill. Republicans voting YEA: Collins, Fischer, Kennedy and Murkowski.

1:19 a.m. Senate is voting on Merkley amendment #1856, to strike from the bill a tax benefit for Hillsdale College.

1:16 a.m. Cantwell amendment to forbid oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge failed to get a budget waiver, by a vote of 48 to 52. Republican Collins voted YEA. Democrat Manchin voted NAY. Vote was otherwise party-line.

1:05 a.m. Senate now voting on a motion to waive the budget act with respect to the Cantwell Amend # 1717 regarding ANWAR.

12:58 a.m. By a vote of 38 to 61, the motion to commit failed.

12:39 a.m. The Senate began voting on a Manchin motion to commit H.R. 1 to committee.

12:34 a.m.  By a vote of 34 to 65, a budget waiver for the Kaine amendment (#1846, middle-class tax cuts) failed. YEAS: 34 Democrats, independent King. NAYS: All Republicans, Democrats Booker, Cortez-Masto, Durbin, Harris, Hirono, Markey, Murphy, Reed, Schumer, Tester and Warren, and independent Sanders.

12:08 a.m. By a vote of 51 to 50, the Cruz amendment passed. Republicans Collins and Murkowski voted NAY. Vice President Pence broke the tie.

11:54 p.m.  The Senate is voting on the Cruz amendment (#1852) on educational savings plans.

11:25 p.m. The Menendez motion failed by a party-line vote of 48 to 52.

11:10 p.m. The Senate is now voting on the Menendez motion to commit.

11:00 p.m. The motion to waive the Budget Act with the respect to the Rubio amendment #1850 failed by a vote of 29-71.

10:45 p.m. The motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Brown amend #1854 failed by a vote of 48-52.

10:31 p.m. The Senate is voting on the motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Brown amend #1854 regarding the child tax credit.

10:28 p.m. The vote a  motion to waive the budget act with respect to Sanders Amend #1720 regarding Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits failed by a vote of 46-54.

10:05 p.m. The motion to adjourn failed by a vote of 48-52.

9:39 p.m. The Senate began voting on the motion to adjourn.

8:14 p.m. Senator Brown spoke about the tax bill.

8:00 p.m. Senator Lee spoke in favor of the child tax credit.

7:25 p.m. Senators Toomey and Thune spoke on the tax bill.

7:20 p.m. Senator Sanders spoke on the tax bill.

7:08 p.m. Senator Rubio spoke about the tax bill.

6:47 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about the most recent version of the tax bill.

6:33 p.m. Senator Cassidy spoke about the tax bill.

6:20 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke about the tax bill.

6:16 p.m. Senator Blumenthal spoke about the tax bill.

6:10 p.m. Senator Daines spoke about the tax bill.

6:01 p.m. Senator Toomey spoke about the tax bill.

5:58 p.m. Senator Manchin spoke about the tax bill.

5:45 p.m. Senator Portman spoke in favor of the tax bill.

5:27 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke against the tax bill.

5:15 p.m. Senator Murphy spoke against the tax bill.

5:07 p.m. Senator Casey spoke against the tax bill.

4:57 p.m. Senator Stabenow spoke against the tax bill.

4:47 p.m. Senators Portman and Scott spoke supporting the tax bill.

4:44 p.m. Senators Wyden and Merkley spoke against the tax bill.

4:43 p.m. Senator Portman asked u.c. that there be 30 minutes equally divided for debate only.

4:26 p.m. Senator Scott spoke supporting the tax bill.

4:14 p.m. Senators Wyden and Frankin spoke against the tax bill.

4:13 p.m. Senator Scott asked u.c. that there be 30 minutes equally divided for debate only.

4:12 p.m. Senator Wyden spoke of his intent to come to the floor every thirty minutes.

3:36 p.m. Senators Toomey, Scott, and Thune spoke supporting the tax bill.

3:23 p.m. Senator Casey spoke about corporate tax cuts.

3:19 p.m. Senator Gardner spoke supporting tax reform.

3:17 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell asked UC further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. Senator Wyden reserved the right to object but did not object.

3:00 p.m. Senators Toomey, Scott, and Thune spoke supporting the tax bill.

2:46 p.m. Senator Bennet spoke on the tax reform bill.

2:38 p.m. ML McConnell asked UC for 30 minutes of debate with no amendments in order.  Senator Wyden reserved the right to object but did not object.

2:37 p.m. The Cardin motion to commit was not agreed to 43-57.

Senators in favor: 42 Democrats; 1 Independent: King.

Senators voting against: 52 Republicans; 4 Democrats: Booker, Gillibrand, Merkley and Warren; 1 Independent: Sanders.

2:02 p.m. The Senate began voting on the Cardin motion to commit.

1:43 p.m. Senator Thune spoke supporting the tax bill.

1:26 p.m. Senators Cantwell, Van Hollen, and Menedez spoke against the tax bill.

1:17 p.m. Senator Inhofe spoke about his amendment.

12:43 p.m. Senators Murray, Wyden, and Sanders spoke about health care cuts in the tax bill.

12:38 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke on his motion to commit.

12:37 p.m. Senate UC agreement: Senator Cardin will be recognized to offer a motion to commit, with a vote in relation to the motion at 2:00 p.m.

12:36 p.m. The Baldwin motion to commit was not agreed to on a party line vote of 48-52.

12:15 p.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on the Baldwin motion to commit.

12:14 p.m. The Nelson motion to commit was not agreed to on a party line vote of 48-52.

11:50 a.m. Roll call vote beganon the Nelson motion to commit.

11:30 a.m. The Senate returned from the recess, Senators Nelson and Klobuchar spoke on the Nelson amendment and motion.

10:35 a.m. The Senate recessed, subject to the call of the chair.

10:27 a.m. Senator Baldwin spoke for her amendment to change the tax rate on carried interest.

10:14 a.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about a deal to extend government spending. He spoke against the Republican tax plan.

10:02 a.m. The Senate resumed consideration of H.R. 1.


The Senate will convene at 10 a.m. and will resume consideration of the 2018 budget reconciliation bill (H.R.1). This is the vehicle for the tax overhaul package.

At about 11 a.m., the Senate will begin votes on two motions (by Senators Nelson and Baldwin) to commit the bill to committee.

Additional roll call votes are expected throughout the day on Friday.

The pending amendment is Hatch-Murkowski (#1618), the text of Senate tax bill as reported by committees.